Roanoke Beautification Foundation

The Foundation
The Roanoke Beautification Foundation strives to maintain the charm and beauty of small-town America. Our fundraising efforts support public common areas including streets, sidewalks, and parks. The goal is to beautify and design a unique image consistent with Roanoke’s character that existed at the turn of the 19th century. We aim to lessen the burdens of the town of Roanoke by engaging in capital improvements, maintenance, and repairs.
Why the Roanoke Beautification Foundation?
The Roanoke Beautification Foundation was founded in the late 1990s to provide a location for supporters of Roanoke, Indiana, to donate funds that could be used to perpetuate all the things that make Roanoke such a great place to live. The Foundation was created to lower the burden on the Town of Roanoke as capital improvements are needed on the picturesque Main Street and throughout the community. As the Foundation’s corpus increases, the earnings generated allow for larger endeavors to be undertaken, whether it involves projects such as the installation of more street lights or pedestrian bridges at Roanoke Park. All of the money donated to the Roanoke Beautification Foundation goes to improving our beloved hometown, Roanoke

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